2022 - 04 - 07
Taipei, Taiwan, April 7, 2022 - IBASE Technology Inc. (TPEx: 8050), a leading provider of robust embedded computing platforms, is delighted to announce the launch of our newly designed website. The website is a complete overhaul of the previous one, with a mission to make it faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.
The new website has a refreshed look with improved drop-down menus navigation, inquiry forms, and the addition of a product comparison feature that will make the overall experience more rewarding on desktop, tablet and mobile. We will be constantly updating our content with the up-to-date information, product resources, and company announcements. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our latest product and company news. You can also become an IBASE member and access test reports, certifications, 2D/3D drawings and MTBF reports from our member site. We hope that you enjoy this new site and all that it has to offer.
廣積科技(股票代號: 8050)成立於2000年,為專業研發與製造工業電腦產品的領導廠商。廣積專精於工業電腦OEM/ODM服務,並可依客戶需求量身打造專屬之產品,主要產品有工業電腦主機板、嵌入式系統、工業觸控電腦、數位看板播放系統以及網路應用平臺,並提供多種解決方案,可供應用於工廠自動化、數位看板、交通運輸、零售、遊戲機、醫療及網路通訊等領域。關於廣積科技及詳細的產品訊息,請參考網站請參考網站www.ibase.com.tw.